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A320 NEO

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 7:32 am
by robscho

Many thanks for the latest additions to the FAIB family as well as the significant work which has gone into the existing A320 models to bring them up to the standards of your other recent work. I merrily went through and installed and updated the existing modesl and aircraft.cfg files.

A couple of observations, one glitch and bits and pieces which might benefit others:

- like the new "nav lights always on" featyre controllable through the fuel settings in the aircraft.cfg. WHile all aircraft spawned at the gate or on the ground display these NAV lights, the majority of ai aircraft spawned in flight which then land, do so with no NAV lights showing at all. This is with the wing flex models and is irrespective of how the "always on NAV lights are set and I cannot pin it down to any specific action having viewed a number of arriving ai aircraft in track view - am going to roll back into the NWF models and see if this removes this anomaly;

- the new aircraft.cfg files will not result in any reverse thrust ai sound being tirggered for those with AI sounds set up. This appears to be because the min_throttle_limit in the aircraft.cfg is set to 0 when it needs to be negative to trigger the reverse thrust. I set mine back to -0.285 as per original files which solved this;

Another high quality piece of work which comapres favourably with every other piece of AI work out there, including the paid stuff!

Re: A320 NEO

Posted: Mon Jan 01, 2018 10:33 am
by robscho
Update - the NWF models eliminate the NAV light issue for landing aircraft. Also, even with the wing flex models active, the NAV lights appear to work in all scenarios in P3Dv4, so the issue appears confined to P3Dv3 for some reason.