Hi too all... I've just returned to FS9 from a few years out and have been updating my AI aircraft with FAIB models. However, on a number of models I appear to have strange lumps on top of the fuselage!! They are towards the rear and just before the tail. I've searched around to see if this is a known problem but have drawn a blank. They are simply making the models unusable for me I use Windows 7 with an Nvidia graphics card.
It only seems to be happening on the FAIB models: Can anyone offer any help?
Thanks for your comments much appreciated I don't paint my own. All the paints are downloaded from The Flying Carpet and Juergen's website.
I understand the reasoning behind the domes/antenna's etc but surely they should be neat and symmetrical. All I get on every single paint is what you see in the photo, a messy lump on the fuselage. Is there any adjustment I can make personally that will delete the domes etc?
If you see these 'lumps' in sim, it only means that you are not using the appropriate model. Erez made 2 separate models for each FAIB aircraft, one for fs9 and one for fsx/p3d. Make sure that the model you have installed in your sim is the one relevant for your version of the sim. And when installing the textures for each livery, make sure you are also using the relevant version as we painters also split the files between fs9/fsx versions. If you use the right combination, you should not see these lumps.
Thank you for your comments I'm almost positive I'm using all FS9 models & paints! Nearly all my paints are from Juergen's hanger! However, I will diligently go through all my aircraft and double check.
The only comment I can make thus far is that I have every FAIB Airbus Model & Boeing model in my sim with over 300 flight-plans and many airline livery. This is occurring on nearly every model but only FAIB.
It is not possible to use FS9 with FSX models(without FS9 crashing anyway).
The visible domes in FSX is a symptom of using FS9 models in FSX but this is apparently not the case.
It is possible there is a hardware alpha issue of some sort, what kind of graphic card do you have, are you using the 32bit resolutions in FS9?
Hi... having read the last post you wont be surprised to know that I have correctly used FS9 aircraft and the corresponding paints. I've been using my current set up for ten years now without issue.
My graphics card is Nvidia GeForce GT 640 64 bit system... My graphics are set to 1680x1050x32
Like previously stated FAIB models are unlike other models and use the diffuse texture alpha channel in FS9 to set various fuselage satellite domes.
Please try and replace one of the textures you can see in the simulator with the default "House" paint that is shipped with the base packs (for example the A321 basepack).
These paints are 32bit and known to work and if they still malfunction in your simulator it is probably a configuration issue of the graphics drivers or FS9.